Photo: Chris Van Wyk |
A tartaruga de Mary river (Elusor macrurus) que parece ter um moicano verde, foi colonizada por algas por todo o seu casco e na cabeça, em uma interação chamada de inquilinismo, onde um indivíduo é beneficiado (algas que precisam do substrato onde aderir) sem prejudicar o outro indivíduo de diferente espécie (no caso, a tartaruga). Esta é uma espécie endêmica da Austrália e está ameaçada de extinção, e corre ainda mais risco devido aos planos de se construir uma barragem no rio onde ela vive; esta tartaruga coberta de algas virou símbolo do movimento contra a construção da barragem.
The Mary river turtle (Elusor macrurus) that seems to have a green mohawk, was colonized by algae all over its hull and head, in an interaction called inquilism where an individual is benefited (algae that need a substrate in which they an adhere to) and the other is indifferent (in this case, for the turtle). This is an endemic species to Australia and endangered, and runs more risk due to the plans to build a dam on the river where she lives; this turtle covered in algae became a symbol of the movement against the construction of the dam.
The Mary river turtle (Elusor macrurus) that seems to have a green mohawk, was colonized by algae all over its hull and head, in an interaction called inquilism where an individual is benefited (algae that need a substrate in which they an adhere to) and the other is indifferent (in this case, for the turtle). This is an endemic species to Australia and endangered, and runs more risk due to the plans to build a dam on the river where she lives; this turtle covered in algae became a symbol of the movement against the construction of the dam.